Altar Flower Signup
Flowers for Worship
Altar Flowers
- To sign-up for Altar Flowers, see the sign-up sheet posted on the white board in the narthex.
- Place your flower order directly with Parkway Floral in South Milwaukee at (414) 762-0246.
- Flowers will be delivered to church, free of charge, before the Thursday evening service.
- You can also supply your own arrangement. Rachel Miliacca at the ECC can provide you with a vase liner.
- Your flowers will be refrigerated after the Thursday service so they will be fresh for Sunday’s services.
- Take your flowers to enjoy at home after the 10:30am service on Sunday.
Reminder: If you want to put flowers on the altar, you must pay for it directly to the florist (Parkway Floral, South Milwaukee) if using a florist. Do not put money in an envelope and put it in the offering baskets. Thank you.