Sunday Bible Study
September – May
Sundays 9:15 am – 10:15 am
Held at Grace School (8537 S Pennsylvania Ave, Oak Creek).
Adult Bible Class Topic— God’s Word for Today: Luke: To All Nations
Luke’s carefully written Gospel, compiled from both oral and written accounts,
points to God’s gracious salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. The peace that Christ has brought to the
world enables us to break out in a liturgy of praise. The salvation story did not end with Christ’s ascension,
however; Christ’s Church is called to go to “all nations”-men, women, children, the poor, the sick, and the
disenfranchised-proclaiming the victory found only in Jesus Christ. We hope you can join us for our Adult
Bible Class on Sunday mornings at Grace as we learn how Luke’s Gospel speaks to us about:
• God’s plan for bringing salvation to both Jew and Gentile;
• believers’ unceasing joy upon hearing the Good News;
• the work of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ life and in our own;
• the enduring value and importance of prayer.
For more information about this group, contact