Grades 3/4

Class Overview

The third- and fourth-grade years are big transition years. During these years, students begin to mature in their understanding of the outside world. They start to get ready to be independent workers and thinkers. Students are given plenty of opportunity to show responsibility and ownership for their work. Grace Lutheran School helps with this maturing by adding new experiences. Our third graders learn how to take notes, an important skill for students at every level. They also start group science lab activities. The fourth-grade social studies curriculum emphasizes Wisconsin history, geography, economics, government, and cultural differences. Some of the other fun things that happen in the 3rd and 4th grade classroom are a culture and heritage unit, reading several novels – including The BFG and Holes – a social studies states project, math, reading, and language centers, and several fun field trips!

Classroom Newsletter


Grades 3-4 Faculty

Kristi DeVries

3rd Grade

Rita Heinen

4th Grade

Lisa Hengst


Ariel Hagar

Computers, 4th Grade Science

Contact us for more Information.