
February Equipper 2023

In this edition of the Equipper: Pastor’s Message – “Take Him at His Word!” – (Luke 5:4-11) February Announcements Lenten Midweek Series for Grace Lutheran Church Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries Stephen Ministry Ladies Guild Stewardship Corner Devotional – “All These Things” – (Matthew 6:33) Social Media Holy Humor February Birthdays & Anniversaries February...

Worship Video – Epiphany – January 8, 2023

Worship Video – Epiphany – January 8, 2023

Epiphany January 8, 2023 This is the live streaming video from Facebook of the 8:00 am Sunday Service. Click here to view, print, or download the Worship Bulletin. We apologize for the quality of this video. Due to technical difficulties, we lost the audio during the sermon hymn. You can follow the sermon on the...


January Equipper 2023

In this edition of the Equipper: Pastor’s Message – “Facts & Knowledge? Even Better, Wisdom & Faith!” – (1 Kings 3:5-12) January Announcements Stephen Ministry Ladies Guild Stewardship Corner Devotional – “DREAM ON” – (Psalm 1:3) Social Media Holy Humor Picture Board January Birthdays January Calendar Click here to view, print, or download the January...