
November 2020 Equipper

In this edition of the Equipper: “Living Thankfully” by Pastor Taggatz Advent Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries – “God with Us” Advent Midweek Series for Grace Lutheran Church November, December Holiday Services Schedule Stephen Ministries November Announcements Panther Golf Outing Thrivent Choice Program Ladies Guild Military Bible Stick Grace’s Social Media Corner November Birthdays /...


October 2020 Equipper

In this edition of the Equipper: “Three Certainties for Uncertain Times” by Pastor Taggatz Stephen Ministries October Announcements Ladies Guild 5th Annual Grace Lutheran Panther Golf Outing Trunk or Treat! Military Bible Stick Pastor Appreciation Grace’s Social Media Corner October Birthdays Click here to view, print, or download the October 2020 Equipper